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Month: February 2018

WW3: The Jailer’s Daughter

This week’s webisode is brought to you by Shakespeare’s ‘The Two Noble Kinsmen’. Here I am performing one of the Jailer’s Daughter’s soliloquies. And if you don’t like Shakespeare or me, you can still check out my cats acting out their own amazing scene in the background!

Valentine’s: A Night to Remember

Valentine’s Day is around the corner (today)… what do you have planned for your special someone? Don’t panic–I’ve compiled a list of useful tips and tricks to make sure that this Valentine’s Day is a night to remember.

WW2: ‘Ello Mayday!

‘Ello Mayday! Instalment no. 2 on the young vlog: where I mumble through a story about a cockney cab company employee who can’t understand a word that I mumble.