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June Ahoy: Makeover Murmurs

Well, in traditional fashion, I have fallen gravely ill (okay, well, a bit flu-y at least) following my flurry of activity in May. Fortunately, this held off in time for me to finish performing  in the show as Lily. It went well!

Father Alec and Lily
Father Alec and Lily backstage

The character really stressed and exhausted me in terms of living on stage with what she has gone through and then performing that intensity over a very long scene arc. But I feel like I took away some positive attributes of the character as well, and I miss her already!

An Irish ballet-dancing husband-murderer on the run (but never too busy to take a selfie)!

What I especially like about Lily (that so differs from myself) is her tough forthrightness. I felt somehow stronger when I traveled home on the Tube late at night with her black eye painted on my face. Less wanting to invisibly fade into the fabric of the seat and more like, ‘Yeah? You lookin’ at me? I don’t care! I’ve seen shit!’

Lily Black Eye

So, what’s next?

Putting myself back out there starting in July and hoping that I am asked to audition.

I finally got those headshots taken this week. And yes, it did occur in the middle of my plague outbreak. And spot outbreak. And period. Ideal conditions to have a camera focus on your face, really. The photographer was like, ‘You’re really easy to shoot – you don’t seem nervous!’ and I thought, That’s because I’m too ill to be nervous… must… stand… upright… and… smise…..

That said, she (Alishia Love) did a really amazing job and got some shots I can definitely use. Website makeover, here we come!

Headshot Outtakes
That’s the one! I am aiming to be cast exclusively as Drunk Girl #47.

I have to say though that using social media to market myself as an actor is pretty repugnant to me. It’s so different from pushing yourself as a musician–like even as a solo artist, you can hide behind some band moniker. But as an actor, it’s just you. HOWEVER, in that same way, I’m not sure that I really need to do any marketing at all on those stupid platforms anyway? Like, I don’t feel pressure to use social media as some vehicle to promote my work–I can just exist there as Ali again, if I want to, and dip into super useful theatre forums on Facebook. Because I feel like the best way to ‘market’ yourself as an actor is to just be your freaking self/a normal (well, semi-normal) human being! Being an actor is indivisible from my selfhood, so it’s hard for me to think about it in grotesque mercenary terms. So I’m just not gonna.

I’m just gonna be me for a little while.

I have additionally been thinking about a direction for Daze & Weekes. Yes yes, I know I am nearly two years in and keep changing my mind and making things over. But I think I have finally thought of the way I want to make my categories slightly more streamlined and cohesive. Moving forward, it should mostly be the same stuff you know and love (haha!)… with slightly more of a thematic focus on acting/entertainment/theatre.

Proposed (to myself) categories include:

Sound pretty much like what I’ve been doing? Well, in my head it is more directional and manageable than my previous 87 other additional categories floating around…. so there! I’ll be making some visual tweaks and changes to the website over the next week as well.

Okey dokey, that’s all for now. As always, thank you for stopping by! And don’t forget…… the new season of Poldark starts tonight! Well, actually, you can go ahead and forget if you want because I will be filling you in later.

Until next time……..



16 thoughts on “June Ahoy: Makeover Murmurs Leave a comment

  1. Fabulous! Love the proposals for the next phase of the website — and being just Ali on social media is effective promotion on its own!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, my love. I’m trying to curb my tendency to overwhelm myself, but we shall see! Hoping to start feeling like things are all moving in one direction rather than many. Thanks for away being there no matter my direction! ❤


  2. Not only am I cringing at the thought of having to endure getting head shots done, but to do it while not feeling in top form? The universe seriously needs to reward you for that one!! I’m surprised no one handed you a Domestic Abuse Hotline flyer when they saw you on the Tube with your shiner. Annnyway, I can’t wait to see the new blog posts (especially the shitty TV reviews).

    Liked by 1 person

    • I mean, it is an awful prospect… especially since there is so much pressure for your actor headshot to simultaneously convey the multitudes of your personality and potential ALL THROUGH YOUR EYES! And haha I know – the bruised eye made B realllllly uncomfortable. Oh well! Yes, lets hope I’ll be less overwhelmed and can start writing in a more directional fashion again…. Thanks for stopping in!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Aw – sorry to hear that you were under the weather after the May flurry. May’s always a jam-packed month. I hope this finds you well and on the mend. I enjoyed your description of Lily – it’s fascinating to hear how real actors inhabit and are affected by their characters. I’m glad her positive traits rubbed off, too! (we could all use a bit more of her tough, not-to-be-messed-with nature). And kudos for braving the headshots under the circumstances – they look great, Weekes! 🙂 I look forward to the new blog with revamped categories. It’s wonderful (and sustainable) to decide to be yourself… there’s gold in them there hills. 🙂

    (Aside: I started watching Lady Dynamite and love it. I’m addicted to how Maria Bamford turns her life and realness into comedy gold).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww thank you, Shirley! I was like a phoenix rising from the ashes… and then a bout of food poisoning had me laid low again yesterday! I assume it’s just karma for continuously mocking B’s proclivity for digestive ailments. Meanwhile, I do hope to stick to my writing guns… and work on getting more roles to sink my teeth into and tell you about! Ooohhh Lady Dynamite sounds good–I will definitely have to check it out! Thank you for your ongoing support, lady lace 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ok, so I know we covered this already, but the headshots are AMAZING! And I’m all the more bowled over now that I know that you really would rather have been in bed. Those casting folks should have a hard time resisting you now! Also, congrats on your latest performance – I still can’t believe you did your own makeup, that shiner is TOO convincing – and I’m looking forward to the new-look D&W! Onwards & upwards! Good luck with it all! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Stahhhhhpppp I’m sure they’ll find plenttttttty of reasons to resist me! And thank you! Haha I was pretty proud of my new found bruise-skills myself! Yes, onwards always and hopefully upwards…. or at least horizontal. Whooops, already behind on producing a post for last week! Crap! Plummeting swiftly!

      Looking forward to catching up with the Beasties tomorrow 🙂


      • Ha! Yes, sometimes the best way to learn a new skill is in a panic, because you have to! I swear by it, myself. 😂 And now you’ll know the difference between “shiner” and “sophisticated smokey eye”, so your makeup skills have levelled up too!
        Right, better let you get on with that post then… And I suspect I’ll need to catch up with whatever Poldark is on Netflix so I’ll be ready for your new season review. Gosh, life is tough, isn’t it? 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Haha yepppp … a little Poldark post on here today, in fact! Fortunately, you don’t have to be caught up to (ostensibly) enjoy it, and there are no spoilers! 🙂


      • Hahaha be warned that each scene only consists of a 3-line exchange between characters and then a scenic shot of Cornwall… but them boys be fiiiiiine! 🙂


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